Awards CommitteeThe purpose of the Awards Committee is to recognize individuals, agencies, organizations, or institutions for their excellent, outstanding, or unique accomplishments in recreation, parks, leisure services, conservation of the environment, and the Minnesota Recreation and Park Association. Awards Committee Co-Chair Awards Committee Co-Chair Congratulations to professional award recipients for 2023:
NELSON - NILES AWARD HORIZON AWARD BOARD AND COMMISSION AWARD LEADERSHIP AWARD TOMMY JOHNSON AWARD Congratulations to professional award recipients for 2022: CLIFTON E. FRENCH AWARD LEADERSHIP AWARD TOMMY JOHNSON AWARD JACK NILES AWARD DOROTHEA NELSON AWARD HORIZON AWARD BOARD AND COMMISSION AWARD Professional Award Recipients 2021:CLIFTON E. FRENCH AWARD JACK NILES AWARD DOROTHEA NELSON AWARD HORIZON AWARD BOARD AND COMMISSION AWARD | Professional AwardsMRPA celebrates the professional awards recipients and their outstanding accomplishments during the professional awards ceremony. Congratulations to the MRPA professional award recipients for 2024:
Tracy Petersen, Edina NELSON - NILES AWARD Carrie Anderson, Roseville Nikki Friederich, St. Louis Park HORIZON AWARD Jessica Christensen Buck, Corcoran Kevin O'Brien, Faribault BOARD AND COMMISSION AWARD Troy Fritz, St. Cloud LEADERSHIP AWARD Jason T. West, St. Louis Park TOMMY JOHNSON AWARD City of Duluth LEGISLATIVE AWARD Representative Leon Lillie Nomination Procedure:Nominating an individual for and MRPA Professional Award, Board and Commission and Special Award is an easy process. Call for nominations will be open in early-October 2025 with a deadline of three weeks. The awards committee will finalize the recipient list by early-November. MRPA professional members who are nominated will receive a professional profile form to complete that will provide more information about their professional experience and MRPA involvement. The MRPA Professional Award recipients are honored during the Annual General Meeting and Awards Luncheon. Click here to learn more about the professional award categories. Professional Award Recipients 2020:
JACK NILES AWARD DOROTHEA NELSON AWARD HORIZON AWARD TOMMY JOHNSON AWARD LEADERSHIP AWARD | Awards of Excellence The Awards of Excellence are presented by Minnesota Recreation and Park Association. Nominations for new or purposefully updated/changed initiatives completed in 2024 are now closed. Award recipients will be notified in the spring of 2025. Thank you! major goal of the Awards of Excellence program is to increase public awareness and appreciation of the excellent parks, trails, and recreation services available in Minnesota. The awards committee will score selected agencies and follow up with recipients in late spring. Public presentations of the awards are made before the agencies’ governing bodies throughout the summer season. These projects will also be highlighted in the fall issue of the MRPA member magazine.MRPA congratulates the MRPA Awards of Excellence for projects completed in 2023 in the following categories: Marketing & Communications
Park & Facility
Programming & Events
Sponsorships and Partnerships
Volunteer Initiatives
Awards of Excellence for Projects Completed in 2022 - Read More