MRPA Career Center MRPA is your connection for available jobs in the parks and recreation profession in Minnesota, and other nearby communities. Job postings are constantly changing, so be sure to check back often. Please check all job postings and/or agency websites for official information. Looking to pay for a posting? Pay online here Current Openings: Golf Course Foreman Parks and Recreation Director Parkkeeper Director of Planning and Development Recreation Supervisor - Central Park Parks Maintenance and Forestry Supervisor Parks and Recreation Director Recreation Assistant - Aquatics Parks and Recreation Manager Event Supervisor - Centennial Lakes Event Coordinator Event Coordinator Recreation Director Conservation and Parks Manager Recreation Program Coordinator | Looking to promote a job opportunity? MRPA Career Center posts are $175 per position for full-time and part-time openings for members, and $275 for non-members. The posting will be listed and emailed to the membership. Members can also submit any internship or seasonal jobs for $50 per position as a PDF or link to their website. Multiple seasonal positions can also be listed on one PDF or Word doc for $175. To submit a post, email the position details (Word doc, pdf or web link acceptable) to: An invoice will be sent to you. There is an option to pay online here. Current Seasonal Openings: Parks and Recreation Intern II Park and Recreation Intern Recreation Intern Braemar Golf Course Positions Seasonal Parks and Recreation and Public Works Seasonal Opportunities Seasonal Openings Summer Seasonal Positions Seasonal Job Opportunities Recreation Intern Gardener - Seasonal Seasonal Equipment Operator Seasonal Park Maintenance Worker Parks and Recreation Summer Internship Summer Camp Program Coordinator Seasonal Positions - Multiple Openings Recreation Intern Recreation Intern Seasonal Recreation Intern |