Minnesota Best

7 Dec 2023 12:12 PM | Bethani Gerhard (Administrator)

The City of Burnsville is excited to continue our yearly publication of Minnesota Best.

MRPA members should highly consider submitting their best facilities, events, park features, and programs for inclusion in Minnesota Best Ideas from any year are welcome to be included, and each city can submit as many entries as they'd like. This isn't a competition and there are no "winners;" all entries will be included in a published digital booklet.

The compiled information will be a valuable resource for parks and recreation departments across the state to create new and engaging programs for their communities from the ideas they garner from Minnesota Best.

We encourage all cities to submit as many entries as they’d like. Facilities, events, park features, and programs from any year are welcome to be included. All submissions will be compiled into a digital booklet and shared with the MRPA membership in early 2024.

Please submit entries at the link below by January 15 or via email: jess.skalicky@burnsvillemn.gov


Minnesota Recreation & Park Association (MRPA)
200 Charles Street NE
Fridley, MN 55432

(763) 571-1305

©2024 Minnesota Recreation & Park Association

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