Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan

27 Jan 2025 10:56 AM | Bethani Gerhard (Administrator)

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources wants your input on the Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP)! As a leader and manager of a local parks and recreation system, we want to understand your priorities, challenges, and ideas about the future of outdoor recreation in Minnesota. If you aren’t already familiar with the plan, it is considered Minnesota’s outdoor recreation policy plan. It gives outdoor recreation decision-makers and managers a focused set of priorities and suggested actions to guide them as they make decisions about outdoor recreation. The National Park Service requires this plan to maintain eligibility to participate in the federal Land and Water Conservation Fund (also known as the LAWCON or LWCF) program. The previous Minnesota SCORP can be found on the DNR website.

Minnesota outdoor recreation agencies have a variety of strategic plans in place already, such as: the 25-year Legacy plan, plans developed by the Minnesota DNR, Metropolitan Council, and others. Because much important work has been done in this area already, we will incorporate existing goals and strategies into the next SCORP; with the addition of new and emerging information and priorities highlighted by local providers like you. Your input, along with research and other information on outdoor recreation, will be considered by the project team and a steering committee to develop the plan.

Please use this online form to share your feedback by February 7.

Responses provided in this survey are optional and will remain anonymous unless you share your contact information for follow-up. Please contact Diane Anderson, Parks and Trails Planner (MN DNR), if you have questions or to share any other resources that may be helpful for planning: or 651-259-5614.

Minnesota Recreation & Park Association (MRPA)
200 Charles Street NE
Fridley, MN 55432

(763) 571-1305

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